Words About Life to Learn From

If you can't say it better, why try?  So I don't.  I enjoy reading and reflecting on others words.  There is so much to be learned from others. This page will consist of the revolving quotes below and some of my favorite personal quotes.  Read, enjoy and learn!  

My Favorites

Give the house a lick and a promise.  Margaret Hamler's Mother

Take your passion and make it your obsession.  Eric V. Brown, Chair of the Board of Directors and President at Homeland Security Foundation of America

Laughter is the way God massages your heart.  Unknown

Team interpendence -- We win, I win.  Unknown

The only constant is change. -- Heraclitis, Greek philosopher

A house divided among itself can not stand.  -- Abraham Lincoln

Life = The People You Meet +What You Create Together -- Michael Strom, a friend and colleague

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember what you told. -- Phil Sumner, Founder and VP at  Homeland Security Foundation of America

You are accountable and responsible to make it happen . . . to that end, please do so and don't let me down. -- Me

To every sincere prayer an answer will come.  It may not come just as you desire, or at the time you look for it; but it will come in the way and at the time that will best meet your need.  The prayers you offer in loneliness, in weariness, in trial, God answers, not always according to your expectations, but always for you good.  -- E.G. White

Chance favors the prepared mind. -- Louis Pastuer

He (an attorney) who represents himself has a fool for a client.  -- Abraham Lincoln

Be strong and courageous! Be not afraid nor dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you where ever you go.  -- Jousha 1:9.

Don't die with your music still in you. -- Wayne Dyer

It is no failure to fall short of all you might dream. The failure is to fall short if dreaming all you might realize.  -- Dee Hock, founder of Visa.   

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